Britain's sea defences!

Broomhill Levels

Bodiam Castle #3

Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta)

ypres castle

A beautiful day...

Happy Sailing Saturday!

Farmland at Puddock

Tenterden - The Railway Field

The View from the Car Park at Great Dixter

Castle Bravo

Park Wood, Appledore

View from Bodium

(1716) Bodiam Castle

bodiamcastle HDR

Portrait version of the Bodiam castle in the fog HDR picture *318:72:22*

The outside of Bodiam Castle - HDR photos

One Antimacassar short.

Oilseed Rape at Puddock

Red Hut - Rye Harbour

Evening light

Bodiam Castle

First Light, Colour

Hoar Frost

Stranded Cat 5 (3)

Oblivious to the past!

2008. River Brede at Winchelsea Strand

Sunset over Winchelsea

Remains of Midley Church

Surf & rocks

All is calm

Cypress Wall

Bodiam Castle

Bodiam Castle, England

Bilsington Church

Pett Level

Dune Grass

Dark Ages

3511 Appledore

Camber Sands, Rye, East Sussex

2015. Ascension