Holiday Lights - Winter Spin

Early Morning Myst

Another view of the Holey Sandwich

WENDY'S "GOBOTS" :: ODD BALL { Renegade Robot Monster } (( 1986 ))

The Zoom-Zoom Bee-Eye View

Atlantic salmon viewing pool

The Bee-Eye View

Holiday Lights - Ascension

Hey @tdsportsfacts - this is OUR view right now. Want some peanut butter with that jelly?

Morning view.

Pale grays & blues are the colors in view, won't you let it be dawn in my dreams?

The Assonet Ledge

Valentine's Day Blizzard '15

Star Drive-In

Christmas City

Window Vignette

The View Up High

woodlawn_dec 001

Star Drive-In, Alternate

Day 353 of 365 Days of Love!

Day 331 of 365 Days of Love!


Spring Time

Sun & mist & shadows


Flock Process Dam - Norwalk, CT

Make A Wish.....

Rail Line, Spring '12

This came rolling in.

A solitary visitor

Long shadows & lingering clouds

A day becoming

A slow meander and a following sun

Misty Morning

181/365 - Edge of the Woods

Hole 16


September 27

Sunrise, mist & fences

The ghost of sunrise' future

Winters icy ring and a faint pink blush