pleasure cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

Aqueduct Curves

From inside a rainbow...

F-22 Stereo Image

View of Lake Palmdale

Hacienda Reyes

shooting star infrared. palmdale, ca. 2012.

closed airport. palmdale, ca. 2011.

crash truck #5. palmdale, ca. 2011.

Desert View

13 acres commercial. palmdale, ca. 2011.

C-46 Walkin

B-52 bomber. palmdale, ca. 2012.

Sundowner Blackbirds

crash truck #5. palmdale, ca. 2011.

Blackbird Treasure


Palmdale Bowl

Asylum: Top View

Palmdale Bowl

F-101 in 3D

Aqueduct through the Hills

Top of the Antelope Valley

Valley of Joshua Trees

California Aqueduct

you can never go home again. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

the medium is the message. lancaster, ca. 2012.

fixer-upper. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

farmhouse pinhole. mojave desert, ca. 2019.

moonlight cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

farmhouse pinhole. mojave desert, ca. 2019.

fresh apple pie. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

home sweet home. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

Sentinel 2

dirt farmer (infrared). mojave desert, ca. 2017.

Crown Valley Road

Hush 2

Merry Christmas from the High Desert