Never coming back

My view for this weekends baptisms @calvarymuscatine. I have the pleasure and honor of reading the written testimonials of the folks making a public declaration of their faith! Yeah God! #calvarychurch #baptism

A view from mission control, the calm before the storm. Pastor Dan is speaking on 2 Samuel 9 "Ultimate Kindness" today in our continuing Peaks & Valleys series.

Spending Christmas Day driving across the Midwest

iais 6988farm

Eye Oh Wah

IAIS 6988 at Moscow

Beautiful Muscatine Sunset!

The Jerk

Roadside Iowa: Purple, 110907

All wired up


Whatcha looking at?

Iowa landscape

Herd of cows

Parr Cemetery

Iowa pastoral

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Hidden Gardens