Never coming back

My view for this weekends baptisms @calvarymuscatine. I have the pleasure and honor of reading the written testimonials of the folks making a public declaration of their faith! Yeah God! #calvarychurch #baptism

A view from mission control, the calm before the storm. Pastor Dan is speaking on 2 Samuel 9 "Ultimate Kindness" today in our continuing Peaks & Valleys series.

The wintry view from the front porch of the Radio Farmhouse here at your home in the country, AM860 FM 95.1 KWPC, the Voice Of Muscatine! #muscatine #iowa #voiceofmuscatine #snow #winter

iais 6988farm

IAIS 6988 at Moscow

Beautiful Muscatine Sunset!

Roadside Iowa: Purple, 110907

iais 6988moscow

All wired up


Whatcha looking at?

Herd of cows

Color Mixup

Iowa pastoral

Iowa landscape

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures

Roadtex pictures