Trimmed for "Go"


Double Monarchs

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Monarch Migration

Detroit River from above (In Explore 01/03/2018)

Red-breasted Merganser - immature male

Springtime is Just Around the Corner

Alone Together 1

Willo Acres

Mr. Excitement...

Grand View

Sunday Afternoon Cruise

Holga: Lillie Park

skeleton key, or, Venus de ghetto

Misty Tracks

Bald Eagle - Immature

Neighborhood Moon

Snowy Owl of Willow Run Airport

Lego city display at LibertyFest 2007 - Canton, Michigan

Michigan Lego Train Club Display at the 2008 LibertyFest, Canton, Michigan

Summer Work

Hyundai Tech Center

Fronds (straight version)

Belle Isle, Study 8, 2014.


A walk in the woods in November - Hix Park - Westland, Mi

Sunrise on the Huron river

Ford Lake

Matthaei Botanical Garden - Outside

something special

The dock

Red-winged Blackbird - Female adult

A river runs through it

Van Buren Park - Belleville Lake - Van Buren Township

American Bison Domino's Farm - Ann Arbor, Mi.

Former Shell station (Wayne, MI, 2019)

Into the woods - Holliday Park -Westland, Michigan

Nature's cathedral - Holliday Park - Westland Michigan

Plymouth Township Park - Plymouth, Michigan.