Double Monarchs

The year end

Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Monarch Migration

"ChromaDepth 3D Air Terminal"

Cold Morning

Red-breasted Merganser - immature male

Wood Duck - Aix Sponsa

Springtime is Just Around the Corner

Alone Together 1

Short-eared Owl

Depot Town, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Sunday Afternoon Cruise (2)

Sunday Afternoon Cruise

Red-winged Blackbird - Female adult

Little Blue Heron - Egretta caerulea

Bald Eagle - Immature

Yahoo Weather App Screenshot

Neighborhood Moon

Viewing Platform

Pine View Golf Course

Van Buren Park - Belleville, Michigan

Belleville Lake - Belleville Michigan

Detroit River from above (In Explore 01/03/2018)

Hyundai Tech Center

Sunrise over the Hill

4 Belleville Lake - from Downtown Belleville, Mi.

Pond Garden in Heritage Park - 6-6-2014 (2)

Former Shell station (Wayne, MI, 2019)

Crosswinds Sunset 7-7-17 013

Snowy Owl of Willow Run Airport

HIckory Woods Park

Hickory Woods Park - Pittsfield Twp, MI

Crosswinds Sunset 8-13-14 028

Crosswinds Marsh Preserve, New Boston, MI

Ring-necked Pheasants In A Corn Field

View from Crosswinds, looking south

7 Peninsular Park -Peninsular Mill Pond - Ypsilanti, Mi.

Evening Walk

Queen Anne's Lace