View from our Terrasse to the Palatinate Forest / Blick von unserer Terrasse auf den Pfälzer Wald

Tombs of the Emperors

Four Salian Emperors

Refreshing... | SONY ⍺7III & EF100~400L IS II & EF1.4x III on Metabones T Mark V

Lizard Door Handle

Mossy little world...


Filigree | SONY ⍺7RII & Sigma FE 1.8/135 Art

Hey mom, look at that weird guy!

Stalking fish...

The Fisher | SONY ⍺7III & Canon EF100~400mm ƒ/4.5~5.6L IS II & Kenko 1.4x on Metabones T IV


Flowery harbor...

Urbex fashion...

Lost in thought in a lost place...

A lost place fashion statement...

Maximum Mini

Domgarten Speyer 09.10.2006

Micaela Schäfer

Deep in thought | SONY ⍺7III & vintage manual Pentacon Prakticar 2.8~4/35~70mm

This place is massive

Rußheim (0.68 km West) - IMG_100913

On Golden Pond

Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky


DB 185 362

Steeples of Speyer / Kichtürme von Speyer

Wood Reflections

Hockenheim - IMG_29870-Bearbeitet

BLS 186 101, Waghäusel (D)

Sommer / summer

And then I went into the forest

Mein Bruchsaler Hügelland

Kraichgau Toskana - Kraichgau Tuscany II

sun and grain

Rhine Bridge near Speyer / Rheinbrücke bei Speyer

Pilgrimage Chapel of Malsch in Eveneing Sun / Malscher Wallfahrtskapelle in der Abendsonne

Baumgruppe in der Abendsonne / Group of Trees in Eveningsun

Reilingen - IMG_12858

Good bye for a while, I'm going to Iceland!

Mein Bruchsaler Hügelland