Autumn in McGee Creek

Majestic Sunrise - Lake Crowley, California

Gorgeous McGee Creek

Lake Crowley at Sunrise

upper Rock Creek basin, view south from Ruby Lake trail, Sierra Nevada

Sierra Ranch

Ruby Lake at 11,000 feet elevation, above the Little Lakes Valley in the Eastern Sierra Mountains (mono63xy)

Azure-blue Ruby Lake above Little Lakes Valley, viewed from 11,500 feet, in the Eastern Sierra Mountains (mono24xy)

Ruby Lake at 11,000 feet - surrounded by the crest of the Sierra Mountains (mono57xy)

Eastern Sierra Vista

View to the west from McGee Pass, Sierra Nevada, California

Blue as blue can be - Ruby Lake above Little Lakes Valley, viewed from 11,500 feet, Eastern Sierra (mono25xy)

View from Mono Pass - Panorama

Ruby Lake, right at the treeline in the Eastern Sierra Mountains, from the Mono Pass Trail - mono58x

Mono Pass in the Eastern Sierra at 12,000 feet, snow-free only a couple of months each year (mono53)

Hiking into the High Sierras along the Mono Pass Trail - mono20

Little Lakes Valley, view from the Mono Pass Trail, Eastern Sierra, CA - mono09x

Hiking up the Mono Pass Trail from the Little Lakes Valley, CA - mono08

Turning the corner around Mount Starr, leaving the Little Lakes Valley behind, Eastern Sierra, CA - mono23

Smoke in the Valley

Western flank of Mount Morgan across the Little Lakes Valley, viewed from the flank of Mount Starr - mono15x