Goleta Pier Sunset

Watchful Eye

Enter The Dragon

Yes, I am drop dead Gorgeous!

Another Angle On the Rainbow Gate

Jag...another view

Drinking It In

So Cal cruiser..

Who you calling bald!!!!!!!!!

In the Shadow of the Arches

I love Flickr................


Humming of Nectar

Moonrise Kindgdom

Tejaswi & Priyanka

view to a "dreamy" sunrise...

Stork Fairy

Blue Sea Ghost


Eye in the Sky

EaT LoTsa LobsTer...

West Coast Sunset

Hoover Dam

Arroyo Burro Beach

marina 5...

The Turtle and the sea

Goleta Beach Sunset

Stearns Wharf

Campus Point Rocks

P1010209 2

carpinteria state beach

Shoreline Sunset

(Orange) marmalade skies...

The sky, the sea, the waves & the beach

Yeah, the tracks are going down hill. ;-)

#mint #luckyvii #myhyperealism #vittorioamedeogrieco


Simple as Licorice

Santa Barbara, California

ball of fire