Minute by Minute, Time Goes on, but Some Things Are Left to Endure (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

1961 Chevy Impala

1971 Chevrolet Monte Carlo

1971 Chevy Monte Carlo

1961 Chevy Impala

I Have Found Serenity Amongst the Still Waters of Our National Parks (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

The Leading Line of a Railroad (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Seemed to Have Little Patience Until I Noticed the Clouds Reflecting on a Still Lake (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Cannot Imagine a Love Lost When I Walk Amongst the Beauty of Nature (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

When I Walked Forth in the Land of Cuyahoga and Took in Placid, Calm Waters (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

The Forest and Woods Beyond the Ledges Overlook (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Top O' the Morning to Ya! - Explore #64

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2016)

My Beloved Forest That I'm Blessed to Walk Amongst (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

A Park Bench Allowed Me to Sit and Contemplate the Mysteries of a World Around (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

To Catch the Breath or Touch the Air of Nature's Wildness (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)


Lily Pads and Forest to Complete a Setting Around Kendall Lake (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Everett Bridge 2

View from The Ledges Overlook

Empty Space at Akron Junction

Hale Farm Barn

W&LE 6988 Akron 712 5/1/18

19th century Country Barn

Hale Farm

The Carriage Factory

Quaint days

The Everett Covered Bridge in Cuyahoga Valley National Park (Black & White, Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Dressed to the nines; survived by none

If One Has Loneliness, One Can Find Company Amongst the Trees and Still Waters (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Pumpkin pandemonium

Spring Blooms

I Can At Least Pretend It Was Autumn (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

November hikes

I Dreamt of a Quiet Place and Heard Only the Whisper of Nature Amongst the Waters and Forest (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Came Across a Sight in the Woods of a Beauty Untold (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Indigo Lake