Top O' the Morning to Ya! - Explore #64

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Everett Bridge 2


2012 Afternoon River View-001

Wolf Creek Autumn Morning

Ground cover...

Never say Quit!

A view up above. #ttwdakron

2012 Afternoon River View

Another view


Hobbit Land

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2013)

The old B. F. Goodrich plant...

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

From the Ground


Spot Color in Winter White

I switched office spaces this past week. This is my new view. I'm always looking for a long view. This is looking west down East Exchange.

The Hower House

Spring Blooms

Indigo Lake

Water Bridge

This is the last #fall picture I can find to post. I guess I will have accept the fact that winter is here. #akronnaturerealm #fallhikingspree

Everett Road Covered Bridge

"Everything Reflects"

Hiking after work.

More snowy hike goodness.

Mater Dolorsa Cemetery

Beautiful Saturday morning hike. @summitmetroparks


025 (3)

In the wind




I love fall in northeast Ohio.

"Rays of Sun"

Been working a later shift the last few days. I've enjoyed the morning hikes and change of routine.

Akron 765 9-13-14 2364