Lightning Over Ottawa

Forty Seven

Love is a slow kiss goodnight.

L apres tempete/After the snow storm

Chenille / caterpillar

Jaune Douceur

Balises / Beacon

Frontière Hull/Ottawa Border

Mackenzie King Sunset

Alexandria Bridge

Independance Day, perhaps!!

Glow on the snow

Rideau Falls

Parkway Lights

Iris and Orton modification

Cathédrale Notre Dame Ottawa

Manduca quinquemaculata

IMG_1454 (2)

An Intimate Portrait

~ Balcony Sky ~

A flower to my Flickr friends for the new year/Pour vous mes ami(e)s sur Flickr pour cette nouvelle année

Colors and a Crooked Tree

La rose noire/ The black rose

Ice on blue

Mosaika: Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill

So Cold

~ Urban Waters ~


Urban Landscape

“Sometimes life has a way of putting us on our backs to force us to look up.” Charles L. Allen

The Pond

Le coucher du soleil

Ile Kettle

Autumn in Gatineau

Tuli Tuli Tulipan

Amphibian Boat Tour

Urban Farm

Amphibian Boat Tour

Ottawa Feb 2017 - landscape

Winter Sundown

Un site attrayant du Parc de la Gatineau!.....