Mackenzie King Sunset

Alexandria Bridge

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~ Balcony Sky ~

Worry Not; I've Got Your Back

des gouttelettes...

Dead Calm

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Sun Shining Day

~ Blossom ~

don't look

July 26, 2013 | {207:365} **Explored**

A Political View

Ottawa at dusk

Man on the bridge

Throwback Thursday | [005] **Explored**


At the speed of light.

House of Parliament from inside the Peace Tower

...and Repeat

L apres tempete/After the snow storm


Ile Kettle

La rose noire/ The black rose

Un site attrayant du Parc de la Gatineau!.....

~ Urban Waters ~

Dark-eyed junco / junco ardoisé /-dark-eyed junco

Gatineau River- Rivière Gatineau

~ Urban Flow ~

Hogs Back Falls

“People who live in glass houses don't have much of a sex life” Tom Best

Glow on the snow

Trunks and Leaves


~ Rideau Canal, Ottawa ~

Tunney's Pastures

The Pond

Mosaika: Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill

Colors and a Crooked Tree