#34 #pointed #52of2017

Southern side of Jena

Point of nearly no movement

Jena - Gotha 26 : Selfie old style :-) , 25-05-2014

German wasp / Deutsche Wespe / Vespula germanica

Jena - Gotha 105 : Dreiwagenzug, 19-08-1995

misty morning in october [hdr]

last days of 2008

Not an Easter Bunny - but an Easter Spider

Polierfliege / Lauxaniid fly (Calliopum sp.)

Jena in der blauen Stunde

Dorsal view of a jewel beetle (Anthaxia nitidula, female)

waiting for the night train

Schweizer Höhe Jena

Dornburg: Rokokoschloss

Dornburg: Rokokoschloss

before harvest

2011 03 09 View from Buchenwald KZ Memorial

Other View

Jena - LOWA ET50 27, 25-05-2014

different textures

Gelbes Meer aus Raps

MAKING OF: #Windpark Bucha bei #Jena

misty morning in october II

IMG_8516 - 13. Mai 2017

Nuit allemande

green waves

Schotter ohne Ende

IMG_7393 - 01

misty morning

galanty show

Still watching

Rest on the Hill

Jena -Saale und Jentower

Eins meiner beeindruckendsten Naturerlebnisse:

Best of Jena

Sunrise above the hills in the east


sun and flare