last sunset 2019

13 rolls

go away, this is my poppy

And I can hear the traffic haze

Stop looking down at the ground

Surroundings #3 - View from "Lübbensteine" - Inversion

Wasserschloss Flechtingen

Flechtinger Wasserburg


iron rose

Helmstedt: view from Stephanikirche

Der Kanonenplatz (360 x 180)

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

First morning

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

field of view

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

Süpplingenburg, Niedersachsen, St. Johannis-Kirche

Helmstett: view from the Juleum

Marienborn Station Platform 1990

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

Get up, get out: Spring is everywhere!

I reached inside myself today

Rurtalbahn 186 423, Lelm (D)

Glitches in my framework

DB 628 640+628 600+628 625, Lelm (D)

Driving through the night

Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark

Counting clouds in the sky

Power beyond containing

I have a bad bad feeling that my baby don't live here no more

Between here and left behind

RTB 186 421, Lelm (D)


MEG 710 / 155 059, Lelm (D)

Keeps revolving in a half forgotten dream


White winter trees covered in snow