last sunset 2019

13 rolls

go away, this is my poppy

And I can hear the traffic haze

Surroundings #3 - View from "Lübbensteine" - Inversion

Wasserschloss Flechtingen

Flechtinger Wasserburg

Süpplingenburg, Niedersachsen, St. Johannis-Kirche

Universität Helmstedt (Auditorium maximum)

Stop looking down at the ground


iron rose

Helmstedt: view from Stephanikirche

Der Kanonenplatz (360 x 180)

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

First morning

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

field of view

Universität Helmstedt (Juleum)

Helmstett: view from the Juleum

Marienborn Station Platform 1990

Rurtalbahn 186 423, Lelm (D)

Driving through the night

Between here and left behind


White winter trees covered in snow

fall lake

red poppy

Get up, get out: Spring is everywhere!

I reached inside myself today

Glitches in my framework

DB 628 640+628 600+628 625, Lelm (D)

Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark

Counting clouds in the sky

Power beyond containing

I have a bad bad feeling that my baby don't live here no more

RTB 186 421, Lelm (D)