Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground

Nature's Lines and Curves

White Dahlia

it's not about the destination, it's about the journey

Old Man of the Falls

Native Views store


Find the Train

Shelburne Falls 0411-0417 Panorama

Sunshine in the Rain

Go With the Flow but Keep Your Ear to the Ground BW

Bridge of Flowers

Glacial Potholes

A Brook in Fall


A Grating View

snowy start

View From High Ledges

Foliage point on Great River Ride (this time with sheep!)

Berkshire Highlands Pentathlon 1

Bridge of Flowers - Shelburne Falls, MA.

Buckland on Deerfield

Hill, fencepost and clouds (5180) 1

In the Flow

Stream of Consciousness

Portrait of a Waterfall

Mohawk Trail_-14

The Sculptor at Work

Colored River

Half on One Side

Chickley River

Light and Dark

Stream of Consciousness BW

Shelburne Falls


The Bridge of Flowers in peak season
