Thomas Bay, Mt. Desert Island, Maine

From the porch of the Bay Ledge Inn

MDI Sea Arch

Maybe someday I won't be so lonely [EXPLORED]

a molten canvas

Thompson Island

A view up the tree

View atop Cadillac Mountain


The view

Maine Tidal Pool

with a million dollar view


Maine wild Roses

Bay View from behind

another view of our favorite house

Bar Harbor, ME

Our claw-foot tub

Beachside Cottage

Our little cabin

Inside Bay View

Mount Desert Island Sunset

Cutting the Brush

North East Creek, Bar Harbor, Maine July 24, 2014, 8:02 PM

sunset over the lake

Congratulations!✨????✨ ???? @benjamindunbar Your beautiful Mount Desert Island capture has been chosen for POTD in

reflected beauty

afternoon skies

Gorgeous morning skies

Mt Desert Oceanarium

Acadia Sunset

Good Skating

Multi-Color trees by Lake

Sunset clouds

Patten Pond at night under a Full Moon

#2014East, #Chillaxing, #HeadsUp, #ShadowHugs, #SmileOn3

Scenes from a snow storm

Swirling morning clouds

Had climb the rocky steps to get here

Morning at Hadley Point

Autumn skies

Hadley point