Energy on the Prairie
The Rugged Plains of North Dakota
Log Cabin Memories SE
DMVW 5439 North
Antennaria rosea (rosy pussytoes) so cute!
colorful rocks
Hensler, North Dakota
Musineon divaricatum, wild parsley
Field stones along North Dakota Highway 200 Alt.
the two silent bison who followed me along the trail
Allium textile, textile onion
Hensler, North Dakota
Missouri River at North Dakota Highway 200 Alt. bridge in Washburn
Merida, North Dakota
Hensler, North Dakota
daisy fleabane, Erigeron strigosus
East Arroda Lake
the mature cottonwoods (and no saplings) on the non-floodable floodplain
Merida, North Dakota
a short, white forest of Polygala alba, white milkwort
a hillside dotted with the orange of wood lilies (Lilium philadelphicum)
Polygala alba, white milkwort