Plymouth Harbor

Sunrise over Plymouth Bay, MA

Plimoth Plantation - 1627 English Village

Harbor View

Plymouth Harbor

Bridge at Bluefish River

Autumn in Plymouth

Vacation Revisited

his foe vanquished, woody heads out to sea

Welcome To My Nightmare

[explore] golden hour mayflower

307/365 - Five Mile Pond, Kind of Blue

Wampanoag in the Long House

Barbara - second wife of Edward

Sunlight on the Waterfront

Bridesmaids Flowers

Tide Pool Sunrise in Plymouth, Massachusetts

view from burial hill

189/365 - Boats at Rest

Solitary drop

view from burial hill

HMS Bounty / Mayflower II

HMS Bounty

In the woods... #sundayfunday #mylesstandish

Stranger in a Strange Land

Manomet Point

Beach Grass

Morning Glow

East Head Pond

National Monument to the Forefathers, Plymouth, MA - HDR

Day 184. Beautiful morning for a 50- mile stroll. #200daysofstephano #journeytopokanoket #Stephano Coming to @ripbs36 or YouTube.com/hitandrunhistory. @rhodeislandpbs #documentary #plymouth #travel #history #ocean #picoftheday #plymouth400 #hopkins #pho

Brant-Rock-11-21-12 - 4

Plymouth #perksofquitting

Manomet Point

Brant-Rock-11-21-12 - 4

manomet beach: august 27, 2012

Untitled (2013-05-12 20:08:07)

breakwater colour

class08 468

58/365 (+1) Green Harbor Bench

Plymouth Harbor

Angie, Plimoth Plantation