Dancing Trees

Seagull Aerial Ballet

Blob Of Gel

Fish-eyed View, Loblaws Supermarket-Empress Walk, North York Centre, Toronto, ON

Cedar waxwing

Tree Swallow, bird on bird action

Empezando 2010

Garden View

Snapping Turtle

American yellow warbler

The Sun Through a Dandelion

American mink

American Cocker Spaniel: 2010 Best of the Best 100 Dogs (6)

House Finch couple, playing house

Ring-billed Gull and a giant fish

We Love Food

The Great Blue Heron and the Goldfish

"Together at Last"

Caspian Tern

Revealing Autumn Light

Markham Cathedral

Sheppard's Bush

Water and wind - Explored Mar 13, 2013

Waiting for you

Mckenzie Marsh

heavenly shade

Windyhill Park

Find me

Life on Yonge

Sunset, Lake Wilcox Park, Richmond Hill, ON

Sheppard's Bush

Aurora, Ontario

Sunset, Lake Wilcox Park, Richmond Hill, ON

Oak Ridges Park Ontario

Squirrel In Wood Squills .... Toronto, Ontario

Markham Library Fountain

Markham Library Fountain

#foliage #fall #nature #season #discoverON #canada

Reflections of a great day

Me, my friend & bale

We are watching you