Eastern Kingbird

Northern Rough-Winged Swallow

Time to change

Great Egret

Wood Duck (male)

Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow, bird on bird action

House Finch

Caspian Tern

Bufflehead Duck (male)

Wood Duck (male)

Mute Swan

Bufflehead Duck (male and 2 females)

Pied-billed Grebe

Wood duck mom and ducklings

American Tree Sparrow

Close Encounter of other Nature

Empezando 2010

heavenly shade

Painted Turtle

American Robin(male)

Mckenzie Marsh

Water and wind - Explored Mar 13, 2013

Waiting for you

Find me


Mill Pond Richmond Hill Ontario

Seneca Lake

Forest Sunrise

The Galaxy of Yolky Way

Day 112: Stiver Mill

Day 120: Toogood Pond

a foggy day


Sheppard's Bush

Me, my friend & bale

Just before sunset

A Carpet of Leaves

Alone in the Fog

Kettle Lake

Late Autumn in the Marsh