"once upon a time"

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

catch me if you can → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

Milchstrasse °1

The Ester Mountains viewed from the Northern Karwendel Range

Another view to the Wetterstein Alps

Between The Seasons

Cloud mountains - Narrow view

Geroldsee #2 - Bavarian Alps

The Wetterstein chain viewed from the Kranzberg

worms eye → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

Alpenglühen I

The Beach House

von einem anderen Stern

Space station

Star Wars

d' Waxnstoana

a sea of clouds

The Ester Mountains

Under the stars

a never ending story → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

Herbst am Barmsee

Moody Morning in the Mountains

Blick ins Graswangtal

Zugspitze im Mühlbach

Im Werdenfelser Land

Trollblumenfest am Geroldsee

Bavarian Dawn

Licht ist Balsam für die Seele

Sonnenaufgang am Geroldsee

“If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood and don't assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea”

Am Barmsee

Wettersteinspitzen ~ EXPLORE

Top of Germany

Kuhflucht 2

Die Partnach

Meadow in the Morning - expl. 120

Kuhflucht 4