“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

'Das Moos' in the mist,....

Under the stars

Milchstrasse °1

Between The Seasons

Good morning! → ♦♦ explored ♦♦

The Beach House

Panorama View from the Zugspitze, Bavaria

Geroldsee Dawn

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”


von einem anderen Stern

d' Waxnstoana

a sea of clouds

The Ester Mountains

the away to the sun

Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher. - The Gardens of Schloss Linderhof

Another view to the Wetterstein Alps

Zwei stolze Brüder

View from the Laberberg

Space station

Alpspitze und Zugspitze grüssen über den Geroldsee

Blick ins Graswangtal

Sonnenaufgang am Geroldsee

Trollblumenfest am Geroldsee

Kuhflucht 4

Divisando el mundo

Die Partnach

Das Schloss in den Bergen

111 148 Leermoos (2303)

The night is coming

Elmau Castle – another luxury hotel...

111 031 Leermoos (2305)

Rainbow Shower

Waiting for the Winter

A New morning,........