Windsor castle Upper Ward view B&W

Windsor castle Upper Ward panoramic view

Windsor castle Upper Ward view

Windsor castle Upper Ward panoramic view B-W


The clouds started to part.

Lakerama #9

View from the Castle

702 Rolls Royce Cornishe (1st Series) (1980) FLA 307 Y

701 Rolls Royce Cornishe (1st Series) (1980) FLA 307 Y

Henley Bridge in the late afternoon sunshine.

Reed Bunting

St George and the dragon

Me in the Tunnel

703 Porsche 356B Super (1962) 168 DRX

700 Morris Minor 1000 Convertible (1962) 102 HBP


First Flight Of The Day

Lakescape #393

Greys Court Dower House

View of Windsor

Golden Leaves

Misty Sunrise

Marlow Sunrise

Windsor Castle, England

The bend

‘Autumn at Windsor’ (see description}


Backyard sunset

Three Swans

Juст sky

An Uncommon Place

Waiting -

Fuzzy memories

Marlow Revisited

Winter sunset #31

Coming from the West

It's getting a-dark

Autumn Light

Reflected Glory