Großglockner Hochalpenstraße
Fuscher Törl
Alp´s panorama view
mountain view
--Alpine Road--
großglockner hochalpenstraße
Grossglockner High Alpine Road
Extreme steep slopes at the Hoher Sonnblick - Austria
A deep monotonous "oohu-oohu-oohu" betrays its presence
Imposing Hoher Sonnblick of the Goldberg group mountains
The Long and Winding Road
Sjö nära toppen av Dorfgastein / Lake near the top of Dorfgastein
Kanitha entering Kruml valley - valley of vultures
The Great Horned Owl watching the alps mountains for prey
Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse. Salzburg. Austria.
Walking alongside the roosts of recently reintroduced vultures
Bearded Vultures nestled amid the magnificent Alpine mountains
Marigolds nested amid the magnificent Alpine mountains.
The bearded vulture - king of the Alps
the witches' kitchen on bikers heaven
Vultures can fly up to 10,000 m high, but planes a bit higher
2016 082 + 1144 095 + 1216 021
1016 046 + 1116 082
1116 130
Classica d'autunno
Panorama von der Edelweiss-Spitze
1116 031 + 1144 008
Panorama Hochalpenstraße
07.09.2012, 183.500, Bad Hofgastein
1144 004-9 + 1144 218-9 + 1x16 xxx
1116 262
09.09. 2012, "Stahlzug" 1216.240 + ES 64 U2-082
Hier geht's hoch
RoLa non accompagnata
Zwischen Berg und Tal rauscht der Wasserfall
Il vecchio che non ti stanca
1144 018
Light and shadow
Dal terrazzo dell'albergo