NYC Tower, Veedersburg, Indiana

General view of the car show

General view of the car show

General view of the car show

General view of the car show

Fountain County Courthouse

General view of the car show

General view of the cruise in, includ(2)

General view of the cruise in, including the band.

View from Cade's Mill bridge

View from Cade's Mill bridge

General view of the cruise in

General view of the cruise in, including the band

View from Bowsher Ford bridge

General view of the cruise in(2)

Warped Sky

phone pics

Magnificent vastness

Golf Outing Pano

Old alignment at Wabash River

Yeast Rolls & Ranch Dressing at the Beef House Restaurant near jct. SR 63 and I 74

Maizey at Farm Bureau Insurance on SR 263 in Clinton, at the auction in Cayuga

Anne Opportunity traveled to area Fairs and Festivals, at the auction in Cayuga

Fueling Our Future at the Marathon gas station, near jct. SR 63 and SR 234, in Cayuga

Yeast Rolls & Ranch Dressing at the Beef House Restaurant near jct. SR 63 and I 74

Yeast Rolls & Ranch Dressing at the Beef House Restaurant near jct. SR 63 and I 74

Giraffa Around The Clock at the Green Acres Restaurant on SR 63, north of Newport, at the auction in Cayuga

Anne Opportunity traveled to area Fairs and Festivals, at the auction in Cayuga

Beehive Brickyard at the Colonial Brick brickyard, south of Cayuga

Yeast Rolls & Ranch Dressing at the Beef House Restaurant near jct. SR 63 and I 74

Yeast Rolls & Ranch Dressing at the Beef House Restaurant near jct. SR 63 and I 74, at the auction in Cayuga

Luigi Giraffini at The Coal Town Museum in downtown Clinton, at the auction in Cayuga

Maizey at Farm Bureau Insurance on SR 263 in Clinton, at the auction in Cayuga

Maizey at Farm Bureau Insurance on SR 263 in Clinton, at the auction in Cayuga

Luigi Giraffini at The Coal Town Museum in downtown Clinton, at the auction in Cayuga

Giraffa Around The Clock at the Green Acres Restaurant on SR 63, north of Newport, at the auction in Cayuga