Explore #229 - Triangle Drive-In Burgers since 1963 the best Burgers in Fresno. ( East view )

The Back 40 of the Fresno Motel

Vive Memor Leti


Frire Noir

Victorian picnic

The view from the reception

My current view.

Courtney Headshot

The same view, from "regular" level

Water Brakes

John and Sphinx

The Photographer

Gaslamp Society Fresno

Michael's Steampunk Buggy

Michael's Steampunk Buggy

Michael's Steampunk Buggy

Kao and Makayla

The speakers in this old phone are wired to a cell phone - it works!

Danielle - RayFlash Ring Flash

Michael's Steampunk Buggy

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Image 16764.

Great night shooting

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adopt a street


bee 2 -close-

BNSF at San Joaquin River