Fall Ohio

Nothing like an AFTER workout view of dawn...

St Marys Feeder Canal Bulkhead

Miami and Erie Canal

about to set

Pumpkin Patch Time!

Good Thursday Evening!!! Have a DYNAMITE night!

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Good Thursday Evening!!! Have a DYNAMITE night!

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Pumpkin Patch Time!

Angry Sky! Have a DYNAMITE Labor Day Evening!

Beautiful day for Soccer!

Good Wednesday / Hump Day Morning! Have a DYNAMITE day! ;)

Beautiful day for Soccer!

Soccer Practice to wrap up the weekend's activities.

Soccer Practice to wrap up the weekend's activities.

Enjoying the sun at the pool

Xavier's Soccer Practice

Good Wednesday / Hump Day Morning! Have a DYNAMITE day! ;)

Soccer Game | Practice

Lima-Toledo Outdoor Light

Beautiful NOW...but is White Death at the hands of Winter Storm Titan looming in the shadows?!?

Lima-Toledo Bridge Lights