Fall Ohio

St Marys Feeder Canal Bulkhead

Miami and Erie Canal



Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Wapakoneta, Ohio


Peter, awed, views Ohio from space

Laura enjoys the view from space

Pumpkin Patch Time!

Pumpkin Patch Time!

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Chilly and Dark Soccer Practice

Beautiful day for Soccer!

Good Wednesday / Hump Day Morning! Have a DYNAMITE day! ;)

Beautiful day for Soccer!

Soccer Practice to wrap up the weekend's activities.

Soccer Practice to wrap up the weekend's activities.

Xavier's Soccer Practice

Good Wednesday / Hump Day Morning! Have a DYNAMITE day! ;)

Soccer Game | Practice

Lima-Toledo Outdoor Light

Lima-Toledo Entryway Lighting

Lima-Toledo Bridge Lights

Soccer Game | Practice

Lima-Toledo Tree Lights

Lima-Toledo Lighting

Swim / Dive Practice

Lima-Toledo Outdoor Light Business