Gateway to Mission Valley

20071212 060

Our San Diego 2010 Commute

A Swingin’ Sunset from the “Secret Swings” of San Diego

Sunday Morning @ San Diego-Coronado Bay Bridge

The Antechamber of Time

The Wild Blue Yonder

San Diego Bay Viewed from Point Loma

San Diego Convention Center (Explored)

Sitting at the Top of The Bay :: HDR

Boulevard of Dreams (warning this photograph maybe hazardous to your health)!

Here is to New Beginnings in 2015! Happy New Year My Flickr Friends!

It is all Smooth Sailing in San Diego, California

The New Flickr Format Sucks! Is this a Sign of Things to Come?

California Scrub Jay: once it was Western SJ

Downtown San Diego Skyline from Bay View Park in Coronado or why there is a Home Depot in Heaven

Sunset Cliffs Sea Cave, San Diego

Top of the Hyatt

Anvil Crawler

The Perfect Storm

Coronado Bay Bridge Shines Brightly As An Iconic San Diego Landmark

Drop It And Run

Sunset OB Green

Morning Commute

Pacific Beach Pier, San Diego

...find the bike

Sunset Cliffs Revisited

HalfDome view from Glacier Point


...loved the sound of the crashing waves on our walk today

Sunset Cliffs [Explored 02/10/12]

...free parking

Point Break

Scripps pier

Sunset Looking North Up the Coast Toward, You Know, Del Mar or Solano Beach or One of Those

C h a s m s

Pacific Beach

San Diego Coast

El Capitan Reflection

Sunbeams & Flare