95. View from our balcony in Roseburg, OR.

Up, Close & Personal

View from the Loo

Downtown Roseburg View with the Umpqua Hotel, 1959. (see description)


Eclectic 007

Roseburg Visitor’s Center 008

Booo to you. And to your wife.

East African Crowned Crane

Convicted: Chapter 3

This Photo is a Lemon c

Read & Write store - DSC04350

ps shot setup 1

My view as I manned the booth

ps shot setup 2

Stewart Park Wildlife Pond 033

Day 245/365 - Casey's Restaurant

Sunroof View

Krohn Lane Home

Krohn Lane Home

Krohn Lane home

Britt Nichols County Park

Reflecting pool

Britt Nichols County Park

Detour around "the blast" 1959(read description)

"The blast" Ground Zero, Roseburg, Oregon 1959 (read description)

The south end of downtown Roseburg, Oregon 1959 see descriptions

Britt Nichols County Park

"The blast" Roseburg, Oregon 1959.

The old Rose school building Roseburg Oregon 1959: see description


Giraffe at Wildlife Safari

Edge of forest

Bison bison

photo 2-002


Even doggies like flare ☀

Corn maze, with fog.

Oregon White Oak

early teen angst at the Kenai

Spring Row