Sportin' Daisy-Dukes

Green Nymph

Showing Signs of Wear But Still Flying

Space Suddenly Became Sanguine

Once Upon A Time In The Southwest

The Daily Renewal Of Hope

A Contemporary Stonehenge

Urban Street Art, Close-up: Beautiful Latina, Mural on Side of Abandoned Gas Station, Avondale, Arizona

Rank And File

New Moon

Snowbird Arrival

Mid-Century Modern Bowling Alley: Vintage Christown Lanes, View to Southwest, Phoenix, AZ

Anatomy Of A Sunset

Freshly Mowed Pond

Ice Day

Pointer Cloud

Urban Street Art, Corner Shot: Cactus & Calavera with Mustache & Sombrero, Abandoned Gas Station, Avondale, Arizona

(Unfinished) Bridge over loop 101 at 63rd ave in Glendale AZ

Sunset Cruise

Reading Glasses 2884

Vintage Arizona: Cerreta Candy Co., Neon Sign & Building, View to the East, Glendale, AZ

Myebay2016.com. John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone #fox10phoenix #waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls @myebay2016.c.o.m_john @myebay2016com

I'm Back

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls John Osborn myebay2016.com. have a wonderful day :-) everyone check out my store earn rewards

AND MANY MORE! - #Phoenix #AlwaysKillinIt #Arizona #AZ #PhoenixFood #PhoenixArizona #ILoveBurritos #ITouchedHerHand #ArtIsStupid #Sun #Sunday

#waterfallsaroundtheworld #waterfalls myebay2016.com John Osborn have a wonderful day :-) everyone :-)

Monsoon storm rolling in from the south.

A Dove - Avondale, Arizona

Taking some time out to visit with the #ducks during our #morning walk. #park #phoenix #arizona #instagramaz #instaphx #water #pond #sunrise

Myebay2016.com. John Osborn #waterfalls have a wonderful day :-) everyone check out my store earn rewards

This picture was taken a Watson Lake in Prescott, AZ. Great place to take the family if you are ever in Prescott!

Riding hood