Castles in the Air

It's the Journey

Sonoran Desert in Winter

Giants of the Desert

Series of areola on Giant Saguaro cactus

Don't Fence Me In

Hurricane Newton Pre-Arrival

December Sky

Kaiser Darrin

Happy Winter Solstice!

Reaching for the Sky

Sunset on Cactusland

Evening view of the Phoenix, Arizona Mormon Temple

Bountiful Buds

Evening in Cactusland

Pink Amid the Greenery

Sky Ablaze

Cactus on the Rocks

No Two Alike

The Cactus Monster

Social Distancing

Thunderbird bridge

The dog on the shore

The pleasant sunsets

Fahrt im Heißluftballon

Lake Pleasant, Arizona

That day on the beach

Lake Pleasant, Arizona

Cholla to the World

Hazy Shade of Winter

I am Aware

Another Sonoran Desert Evening

Let it Rain

Ride like the wind

That Guy

Always Take Your iPhone

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