December Sky

Wild Wild West

Fire Alarm

Hear the Coyotes Sing

Sizable Saguaro

Saguaros by Lake Pleasant Visitor Center

Bountiful Buds

Roadrunner Trail beaches - Lake Pleasant

Abstraction - Lake Pleasant

Lake Pleasant Visitor Center

Wild Burros - Lake Pleasant

Classic Pontiac Lineup

A Moment of Glory

Sky Ablaze

The Cactus Monster

Hey Buds!

It's My Road!

Sunset Arizona Style

The Last One

Bountiful Buds v2.0

Desert Sundown

The dog on the shore

That day on the beach

Dove Valley, AZ

The pleasant sunsets

Sunset on Cactusland

On my way to town

Great clouds out this morning.

Lake Pleasant, peopleless

Arizona Wonders

Another great colorful #sunset

Pleasant Trails

Ride like the wind

Desert Sky Supreme

Long tide. Still in AZ. #desert #cactus

Another view of Sunset Cove

An Evening in Cactusland

Lake Pleasant Before Sunrise

Lake Pleasant Regional Park

Bring It On!

sunrise orange reflection