Evening Ride

Lake View

side view.

Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield: Bloody Angle Crowded Ravine

Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield Muleshoe

jake showed me how to do this!

back view, cannon ae-1.

Spotsylvania Court House Battlefield: The Ninth Corps

side view cannon ae-1.

Across Poplar Ford

Virginia Splendor

"Big Dipper at Sunset" (best viewed large)

Orange Turnpike - Looking East

The Jackson Monument

Ent Man xmass side view

154th New York at Chancellorsville

20080517 56 Ellwood Wilderness View Stitch

Orange Turnpike - Looking West

"Big Dipper at Sunset" (best viewed large)

The Jackson Monument at Chancellorsville

Fairview toward Hazel Grove

Bloody Angle

chancellorsville Battlefield

chancellorsville Battlefield

Stonewall Jackson's Final Words

The Wilderness NB, VA

The Wilderness NB, VA

The Wilderness NB, VA

Chancellorsville National Battlefield, VA

Good Morning

The Wilderness NB, VA

359 -

Spotsylvania Court House NB, VA

Spotsylvania Court House NB, VA

the country way of life.


The Wilderness NB, VA

The Wilderness NB, VA

20080517 52 Jones Family Cemetery Stitch

Confederate Second Corps Flanking Route at Chancellorsville Battlefield