Top O' the Morning to Ya! - Explore #64

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2015)

Sunrise at the Hinckley Reservation - Cleveland Metroparks

Dancing Under the Trees with the Wind as My Music (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Everett Bridge 2

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

I Have Found Serenity Amongst the Still Waters of Our National Parks (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Fall of Brandywine Falls


The Forest and Woods Beyond the Ledges Overlook (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Brandywine Falls

Reflections of a Wetlands

I-80 Cuyahoga Valley Overpass, Summit County, Ohio

Blue Hen Falls in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park (2012-10-27)

May It Suffice for Me to Look Upon the Beauty of Trees and All Things Green (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I switched office spaces this past week. This is my new view. I'm always looking for a long view. This is looking west down East Exchange.

Jaite Paper Mill Railroad Bridge

Never say Quit!

Jaite Paper Mill Railroad Bridge

Bike & Hike Trail in Peninsula

Beautiful Brandywine Falls

Fall in OH - Expired

Blue Hen Falls - Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Blue Hen Falls | Cuyahoga Valley

Brandywine Falls

One of our very favorite parks. #peacefultillthehighschoolstudentsarrived

Indigo Lake

Water Bridge


Okay, I lied... I found some more #fall pictures to post. :D #hangingontofall #fallhikingspree

Brandywine Falls Sunrise

Creek Crossing


Such a great week off from work. Exploring nature with my best friend and partner.

105_0574 - Revised

Richie Ledges

Sand Run Falls - Sand Run Metropark - Akron, Ohio.

Landscapes 2015

Last Light in the Forest