Aqueduct Curves

From inside a rainbow...

West Antelope Valley

Hacienda Reyes

sikorsky ch-54b tarhe

shooting star infrared. palmdale, ca. 2012.

closed airport. palmdale, ca. 2011.

real estate. lancaster, ca. 2012.

13 acres commercial. palmdale, ca. 2011.

B-52 bomber. palmdale, ca. 2012.

closed airport. palmdale, ca. 2011.

3D F-14

Wildflower Wander

B-52 bomber. palmdale, ca. 2012.

Celebrate America: Vertical Takeoff

Parker Enjoys the Sunset

Boom - Poke in the Eye

pleasure cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

Street Views and Sadows on a chilly December afternoon #photolife #Sondralynnphotography #sky #streetviews #home #trees #CA #clouds #shadows #colors #peace #beautiful #normal #America #Cali #LA

commando. palmdale, ca. 2011.

AAA used auto parts. lancaster, ca. 2011.

Valley of Joshua Trees

California Aqueduct

dust bowl dreams. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

sikorsky. mojave desert, ca. 2012.

you can never go home again. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

the medium is the message. lancaster, ca. 2012.

farmhouse pinhole. mojave desert, ca. 2019.

dustbowl (color infrared). mojave desert, ca. 2016.

high desert farmhouse (color infrared). mojave desert, ca. 2017.

moonlight cruise. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

Carpet of Poppies

abandoned farmhouse. mojave desert, ca. 2016.

fresh apple pie. mojave desert, ca. 2018.

Joshua Tree Sunset

a-frame. mojave desert, ca. 2017.

abandoned a-frame. mojave desert, ca. 2017.

home sweet home. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

gone with the wind. mojave desert, ca. 2015.

Path to Joshua Trees