Explore #229 - Triangle Drive-In Burgers since 1963 the best Burgers in Fresno. ( East view )

Evening at Rick's


Super Size - Mural Yosemite International Airport

Fashion Fair Pay Phone - Fresno Ca

Water Brakes

Front view - ( COX 57 )

Let's Make Fresno a Better Place

1972 Chevrolet Blazer - see with the top off below in comments

This guy tried to out run my Canon so all got is a side view

Fall Storm Over Clovis, Ca, October 3, 2010

The view from the reception

Kicking it at the Gaslamp Society of Fresno's Annual Victorian Cemetery Picnic

Friant View Bluffs

Stanislaus looking SW in Fresno in 1961

3, 2, 1 Blastoff!

The same view, from "regular" level

LEGO Elves 678

Ghost Mural?

I'm So Bored!

Robert Cremean: CURIA, Nine Sectioned Lay-Ins With Predella

Sunset in Fresno

Rainbow 'Tween the Trees

Fresno sunset

Today when you pray....think big, let God expand your prayer request, God has so much to gives if we just ask "Big" I love y'all



#theskysthelimit #youaphoto #beautifulquote #blueskies #clouds #landscape #freebruary

Water Mirror

A Nice Day

Autumn in Fresno - Canon SD850

Image 11516.

geometric bliss

Energy making windmills

On my way to work. If it's there tomorrow I'm going to put a toy on top.

20130105 209.jpg

#sunriseoneastcoast #Boston #Massachusetts #theearlybirdgetstheworm #beach #youaphotography #landscape #beautifulquote #californiaphotographer #fresnophotographer #daydreamer #photography #youaphoto #sunrise #luckysunset

Field during sunset

#dayafter #brideandgroom #bridalportrait #sunkissedday #sunflare #beautiful #beautifulday #beautifullove #love #weddingphotography #youaphotography #californiaphotographer #fresnophotographer #countryportrait #tallgrass #sunset #sweetembrace #sweetlove #s

Shinzen Japanese Garden Summer Section