Built Ram Tough

One Mean Caddy

Iowa Pontiac

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (5)

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (15)

Christmas Lights on Jasper County Courthouse, Newton IA (3)

Jasper County Courthouse Christmas Lights - Now Using LED Bulbs This Year (2)

Day 134: New 2000 lbs

Steel Frame Electric Distribution Alley Towers, Newton IA (16)

2011-09-01 11.12.28

Jasper County Courthouse Christmas Lights - Now Using LED Bulbs This Year (4)

foggy sunrise

Sign to Sign

sedge wren

Herd is the word

Day 571: Hay!

danilion close up

Running Elk

Abandoned High School Football Field, Mingo, Iowa

Elk Bite

Neil Smith Prairie, North Middle

Corn on the Way Back to Iowa City

A walk in the woods in the rain. The ephemeral plants are blooming. Memories of plant walks from Iowa State. #nofilter

singing in the morning

2014-03-09 15.57.17


Old Limestone Fireplace, Maytag Park, Newton IA

Flood in Colfax, IA

Prairie and Elk

Iowa rest area

Day 47: Drifted Farm

QJ 7081