Summer Evening

One of these mornings...Singapore???????????? Singapore Singapore View Singapore City Reflection Sky Built Structure Architecture Industry Building Exterior Twilight Down Illuminated Waterfront No People Water Blue Vacation Holiday

Square by night

Layers of time

Street romance hdr

Sun view over Cathedral hdr

View from Kamen Del peak, Vitosha mountain DSC_0594

Petunia DSC_0606

buds пъпъки _DSC0739

West view of Metropolitan Hotel Sofia Bulgaria from Hotel Room

Moon above the Cathedral hdr

_DSC0966_ _ vid

While still in town...

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia: Sin City HDR

Death's Head

Sofia, Bulgaria

The road ahead...

Please help me identify this DSC_0303

very small green spider _DSC0912

Kamen Del peak , Vitosha mountain DSC_0587

Snow Waves

The Rapids

44 001 Dragichevo 20 09 2015

Tulips in South Park Sofia Bulgaria Europe DSCN8191

Sunrise view of Tsarigradsko shose Blvd approaching Sofia Bulgaria from Hotel Room

Sofia, Bulgaria

Parallel Universe

Up on Boyana river

Mercedes-Benz O305G #1633

DSCN0001 (2)_

Trantor. Spacer Series #7

Cattedrale Di St Alexander Nevsky hdr

Winter fairytale hdr

B&W park path hdr

Братската могила Паркът на свободата София 1967 г. The Antifascist monument Liberty Park Sofia Bulgaria

B&W Monument View

Gentle curves

As the water flows #3