Up and Above

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Goppenstein, 07-09-2013

live with a view

SBB Ce6/8'' 14253

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Veenbesblauwtje - Cranberry blue - Plebejus optilete

Nice sunrise

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station , 23-08-2009

At Simplon Pass, Switzerland

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Classic Alpine

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Brig, 23-08-2009

Hangbrug Jolischlucht - Niedergesteln / Schweiz

The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 6963.

Fletschhorn all'alba

Il Fletschhorn all'alba

Gross Fusshorn

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)

Prima che il sole....

look back @ wyssa suon . valais

Grosser Aletsch Gletcher

Vallée du Loetschental, Vu de Fafleralp (Valais, Switzerland)

Arriving to the Refuge of Monte Leone. Above The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And infront of the Glacier of Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 69832.

Glacier d'Aletsch

Vita nel laghetto

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)

Fletschhorn black and white

belalp - riederalp (2013)

signpost @ Foggenhorn. Valais

grossa suon . valais switzerland

Brumm Brumm @ Gredetschtal

Aletsch Glacier

Berg 2