Sunrise near Monte Leone.A view to the Weisshorn. No. 7119.

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Nice sunrise

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

At Simplon Pass, Switzerland

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Classic Alpine

Hangbrug Jolischlucht - Niedergesteln / Schweiz

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Home Sweet Home

Switzerland, Railway Station Visp, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Golden rain

Meandering Villages

Switzerland, Railway Station St. Niklaus, 23-08-2009

Switzerland, Railway Station Ausserberg, 07-09-2013

Switzerland, Railway Station Visp, 23-08-2009

Vallée de Zermatt

Switzerland, Railway Station Visp, 23-08-2009

The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 6963.

Passo del Sempione

Lötschberger Südrampe (Brig-Hohtenn)

Il Fletschhorn all'alba

Arriving to the Refuge of Monte Leone. Above The Chaltwassersee (2756 m) And infront of the Glacier of Monte Leone (3557m ) Switzerland / Italy . No, 69832.

fog @ honegga . switzerland

near Ladu . Valais Switzerland

click @ Foggenhorn . 2'569m

signpost @ Foggenhorn. Valais


Brumm Brumm @ Gredetschtal

house & sky @ Turtmann . Valais Switzerland

Luogelkinviadukt @ Lötschberger Südrampe

G r e d e t s c h t a l

SBB Re4/4'' 11205


Merci per Zermatt

Alpi bernesi

Fletschhorn all'alba