Startling view looking up at the security cameras. Almost amphibious and somewhat alien.

B-29 Taxi before takeoff

Odessa, TX

Midland, Texas

View of Midland

"Diamond Lil"

Departing Midland

Wind Farms

Harrier - Dorsal View

Long view of the rather modest-sized MIdland terminal

Gonna try the old "needle in the neck trick" to see if I can stop the pain in my left arm. Seeing it from the patient's point-of-view.

View from the top of Mt. Locke. #igtexas #FtDavis

Odessa, July 2018

Switching. Through the trees.

Here is the final image. #photosbyrichard #NightSky #night #stars #star #west #texas #westtexas #sunset @weatherchannel @ilovetexasphoto @instagramtexas

Buffalo Wallow #odessa #texas

Along the tracks. Odessa TX

Lake Mead in the foreground. Hoover dam and the highway bypass bridge in the distance. #iphone #southwest #airplaneshot

What do you #think about this @adventuregirltx ? It is #freezing but the #landscape is #beautiful! #TioRV #TravelMyPlanet

Odessa, TX Stonehenge

Pumpjack and windmill


the entourage

West Texas Green Space

What a day to fly.

Nice Day

Dec 1, 2014 Odessa Tx. 1800 hrs

Spring blooms along the highways of West Texas.

Spring is yellow in West Texas. #igtexas #iphone #spring

That moment when you've waited months to do a vertical landscape and the moon is a no show. #photosbyrichard