~ Evening Whispers ~

With the coming of spring, I am calm again…

When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome...

Mt Shasta through the weeds of Weed

Crop Circles

Mount Shasta - 14,179' (4,322m)

Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely is made for the eye of one who sees…

Mt. Shasta in No-Cal

Shasta Rays

2011-365/324 - Mt. Shasta

Pasture with a View of Mount Shasta

View from the car window

Richard Hall, Mt Shasta, CA, 2004-03-06 (1 of 1).jpg

One of my favorite CORP shots

views, Mt Shasta, CA, 2004-03-06 (4 of 4).jpg

Weed Calif AUG 2012-7

"...and then I realized, adventures are the best way to learn." Good morning from Mount Shasta :) // #mountshasta #california #mountain #cloud #gradient #nature #travel #view #morning #sunrise

#biking old hwy 99 from weed to gazelle, views of #mtshasta the whole way. #caliviews #califarms #cowcountry


~ Window Display ~

river view

Mount Shasta at Sundown

1987 Siskiyou Line Helper Set of the Year

Crawling into Black Butte

Cloud Hovering Over Mount Shasta, by Gerry Ramos

The Conversation

Welcome to California

Mt. Shasta

"BEHOLD" Mt. Shasta

The Backside of the Mountain

Shasta At Sunset

Last Light


Defintely a Detour

Unfamilar territory

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past…

Morning Began In The Mountain’s Shadow
