A strong man and a waterfall always channel their own path.

the lake in the morning

The bridge

Panorama over Vassbotten (Vänern)



View of Åkersvass

What if there was a blackout?

View of Åkersvass

Vänersborg by water

20130105_11 Dog waiting outside shop | Vänersborg, Sweden

View of Åkersvass

What once was, will be again..

across the river

Vänersborg by night

The four towers

Bicycle race

Reflections on the surface

Follow the stars

Blue hour

Falling snow

Near our house...

Just a walk in the woods...

Corner of river.

The house on the hill...

Good morning Vänersborg, version 2.0!

Panorama Onsjö/Göta Älv. 6.8 °F (-14°C)



I närheten av roddklubben, Vänersborg

Shadows from trees.

Good morning

Onsjö Golf Club. 6.8 °F (-14°C)

Kväll vid Vänern


Three of them.

At the old Locks, Trollhättan. Sep.18, 2013

Vargön Alloys

The First Spring Day

Olidan power station