Evening view from the balcony.

A strong man and a waterfall always channel their own path.

View over the river



Table with a view.

the lake in the morning

City panorama

Trees & River 1

A View towards some of the Locks

Olidan power plant

Trees & River 2


Cherry Mines

The bridge

Vänersborg by water

across the river

SAAB Museum Trollhättan.

What once was, will be again..

Saab Trollhättan

Generation 1844 locks

Green tree - blue sky

Corner of river.

Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.

Waterfall #1

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Long time since the last Train

Lake Vänern

Swedish colors. Rapsmark. Explore 2015-05-24

Onsjö Golf Club. 6.8 °F (-14°C)


End of the line.

On the rocks


Near our house...

Halleberg, Sweden

Four in a row

Good morning Vänersborg, version 2.0!

not far from home...

Steps of water

In to the locks