Female Tree Swallow

Eastern Bluebird - juvenile

#countryside #view #sky #blue #clouds

Robin chicks

Dragonfly - Widow Skimmer

Indigo Bunting

Mourning Dove

Male Tree Swallow

Brown Thrasher (maybe a juvenile)

Butterfly Milkweed - 6/9/13

Female Tree Swallow

Male Tree Swallow

Eastern Bluebird - juvenile

Eastern Bluebird- juvenile

Black-eyed Susan - 6/9/13

lighting - my fav

Katie inducted into National Junior Honor Society.

#birds #eye #view of the #early #morning #sky at a #gas #station

Katie before her Christmas Glee performance.

Sentinel of Liberty. Katie as Captain America, 2014 Halloween

Katie & Mallory at their Glee/Chorus performance Tuesday night.

The days Last gleaming


to the winds we give our prayers

Autumn Colors

Calhoun River

TBR land

TBR land

New goats feeding

Storm Rollin' In

McLean County Fair -116

McLean County Fair -253

McLean County Fair -193

Long Ago At Panther Creek

Aerial - Windy Hollow

Feeding Ducks

First Signs of Spring

Owensboro Community College

Flooding - Panther Creek Park