Highway 12

Hite Overlook Ecalante Utah

Utah - Utah State Route 12

view from the cliff

Doug Jumps

Calf Creek, Utah

Escalante River

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, View from Kiva Koffeehouse

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Carrie Jumps

April 2018 Desktop Calendar

mom photographing huge bumble bees in the flowers

Cloud Landscape

View from VRBO in Escalante, Utah

Head Of The Rocks

View From Kiva Koffee House

Beautiful Canyon in Escalante, UT

Utah and Travel

The Journey Through Time National Scenic Byway

#Found these girls climbing on top of an RV taking photos of the view. Couldn't resist. #roadtrip, #summer, #vacation, #camping, #rv, #caravan, #bluesky, #travel, #travelphotography, #family, #girls, #fun, #adventure

Speeding through the canyons

Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Scenic Byway 12, Boynton Overlook

The hidden wonder

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Escalante Landscape lr-2252

Lower Calf Creek Falls

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Short Little Road

Colour in the Notch

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National Parks and Monuments of Northern Arizona and Southern Utah

Pano of Escalante Region of South Central Utah

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A Great Fence

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Fragments of Petrified Trees at Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

Road thru Escalante

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Hop là ! Vous passez une forêt, et vous êtes dans les Alpes suisses.